Welcome to the DECO HQ blog. Here you will find a personal insight into what makes the brand DECO, with updates of our latest creations and insights into our thoughts and inspirations we hope you enjoy keeping up to date with us here at DHQ!

Monday, 24 May 2010


DHQ were recently introduced (I know some of you may be thinking 'recently??') to the fantastic website that is 'FLICKR', and we thought it was so great it was worth sharing.

For those of you (who were like us not so long ago) that are not too familiar with FLICKR basically it is a portal for many creative people out there to upload their recent finds, makes and photographs to share with the world.

Here are just a few of our DECO 'Flickr favs'.........to see more of our 'favs', search for your own image library, or just to see some of our DECO makes and finds clink on our link across the page (top right).........enjoy!

"ART DECO DRAIN COVER" Emerson Street just inland from Marine Parade in Napier as posted by fOrbe5 / Iain

Detail photo of a Gitzo Art Deco shutter as posted by heritagefutures

Original Art Deco shopping centre in (former Eastern) Berlin as posted by peterpeers

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