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Thursday, 10 June 2010


         So today we are going to talk about Gold - a befitting subject that we seem to be slightly obsessed with at the minute - this could have something to do with the glorious golden sunshine that is shining through the windows here at DHQ - long may it last!!!

           Anyway back to the topic of the day........ we seem to be drawn to Gold like magpies at the minute - gold jewelry, gold fabrics, gold leather bags, embellished gold sandals, gold art, gold sculptures - you name it we are obsessed by it (at the moment I keep saying as I'm sure we will be equally be obsessed by something else next week!!)

         So whilst our obsession continues we thought we would share with you a few interesting facts we have found out whilst we have been consuming our minds with all things gold.......
  • The word GOLD comes from the Latin word AURUM meaning "shining dawn"
  • GOLD dissolves in MERCURY but does not dissolve in NITRIC ACID (useful bit of info we know!!!!)
  • The earliest mention of GOLD in any historical context is from the famous story of Jason & The Argonauts namely the story of the 'Golden Fleece'
  • The Romans were the first to mine GOLD, but not in Rome in Las Medulas, Leon, Spain
  • India is the nation that ranks number one in terms of what nation has the most amount of GOLD - apparently India accounts for one fifth of the worlds gold - in jewelry! Amazing!

This photo was taken in Barcelona outside the Loewe shop - what an amazing shop entrance this is, I love the way the whole building looks like all its weight is rested on the single gold pillar in the middle - beautiful.

A detail photo of one of our fabrics used on our art/craft side of life ......... we are loving the contrast of the dense black background with the intricate gold honey comb pattern and the pop of the burnt ochre. We bought this print from a market in Lagos, Nigeria. It is 100% cotton hand printed and chintzed, traditionally called Ankara

This image is from one of our favourite websites, "antique dress". It is a detail side view of an original 1920s scull cap apparently owned by the famous silent screen star "Theda Bara". The intricate pattern work of the gold threads reminds me of Egyptian patterned tombs and scrolls......... Egyptian pattern seemed to heavily influence the 1920's ............ possibly connected to the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922?

A detail photo of one of our trims drawers.

As you can see we are definitely feeling for gold this season!!

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